Veterinary Services

Your Pets Depend On You!

Call Us at 513-451-0027

Personalized & Comprehensive Care for Dogs & Cats

At Oak Hills Animal Hospital, our experienced team of veterinarians and staff have been providing exceptional care for dogs and cats for many years. We believe in preventative medicine and the importance of regular wellness exams for your furry friends. Our staff offers various services to keep your pets healthy and happy, including vaccinations, parasite prevention, and routine bloodwork. In addition, we provide comprehensive care for sick patients and are equipped to handle emergencies during our regular business hours.

Wellness Exams

At our veterinary clinic, we believe that prevention is the best medicine for your furry friends. That's why we recommend regular wellness exams for all dogs and cats, regardless of their age or health status. These exams are essential to maintaining your pet's health and well-being, as they allow us to detect and treat any potential health issues before they become serious problems.


For patients under 8 years of age, we recommend a complete physical exam once a year. During this exam, our veterinarians will examine your pet from nose to tail, checking for any signs of illness, injury, or disease. We'll also discuss your pet's diet, exercise routine, and any behavioral concerns you may have. This is also an excellent opportunity to update your pet's vaccinations and parasite prevention.


For patients over 8 years of age, we recommend a complete physical exam twice a year, along with screening bloodwork once a year. As pets age, their risk of developing certain health conditions increases, such as arthritis, diabetes, and kidney disease. Regular exams and bloodwork allow us to catch these conditions early when they are most treatable. We may also recommend additional diagnostic tests, such as X-rays or ultrasounds, to evaluate your pet's internal organs and identify any potential issues.

Preventative Medicine 

Regular wellness exams are essential to maintaining the health and happiness of your furry friend. These exams are designed to catch any potential health issues early on so that we can provide prompt treatment and prevent more serious problems from developing.

  • One important aspect of wellness exams is vaccination. Vaccinations are crucial for protecting your pet from a variety of diseases, some of which can be fatal. Our veterinarians will recommend a vaccination schedule tailored to your pet's specific needs, age, and lifestyle.
  • Flea and tick prevention is another important aspect of pet wellness. These pesky parasites can cause various health problems, from skin irritation to severe illnesses like Lyme disease. Our veterinarians can recommend a variety of preventative measures to keep your pet safe and healthy.
  • Heartworm prevention is also an essential part of pet wellness. Heartworms are a serious, potentially fatal condition that can be transmitted by mosquitoes. Our veterinarians can recommend various preventative measures, including medication, to protect your pet.
  • Finally, parasite prevention is an important aspect of pet wellness. Parasites such as roundworms and hookworms can cause serious health problems for your pet and even be transmitted to humans. Our veterinarians can recommend a variety of preventative measures, including medication and regular fecal testing, to keep your pet healthy and parasite-free.


At Oak Hills Animal Hospital, we understand that surgery can be a stressful experience for pet owners, but our team is here to provide the highest level of care and attention to ensure your pet's comfort and safety.

Our surgical services include spaying, neutering, declawing, general surgery, orthopedic surgery, and wound repair. Our experienced veterinarians use state-of-the-art equipment and techniques to perform these surgeries with precision and care.

During surgery, our patients are closely monitored by pulse oximetry, ECG, and a veterinary technician to ensure their vital signs remain stable. Our team is trained to respond quickly to changes in your pet's condition, ensuring their safety and well-being throughout the procedure.

We also offer post-operative care to ensure your pet's complete recovery. We will provide you with detailed instructions on how to care for your pet at home, including any medications and follow-up appointments needed.

Internal Medicine 

We are dedicated to providing the best internal medicine services for your furry friends. Our experienced team of veterinarians specializes in the diagnoses and treatment of metabolic diseases and infectious diseases in dogs and cats.


Metabolic Diseases:

Metabolic diseases can be challenging to diagnose and treat. Our team is equipped with the latest diagnostic tools and technology to identify metabolic diseases early and provide the best possible treatment. We specialize in treating diabetes, Cushing's disease, Addison's disease, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, and other metabolic disorders.


Infectious Diseases:

Infectious diseases can be highly contagious and can spread quickly between pets. Our veterinary team has extensive experience in diagnosing and treating infectious diseases. We specialize in treating bacterial, viral, and fungal infections, including Lyme disease, parvovirus, feline leukemia virus, and more.



Our veterinary team uses advanced diagnostic tools to identify the underlying cause of your pet's illness accurately. We use blood tests, urine tests, imaging studies, and other diagnostic tests to determine the best course of treatment for your pet.



Once we have diagnosed your pet's condition, our team will develop a personalized treatment plan for your pet. We use a combination of medication, nutrition, and lifestyle changes to manage your pet's symptoms and improve their overall health.


Oak Hills Animal Hospital provides comprehensive dental care for your furry friends. We specialize in dog and cat dental health, and our experienced veterinarians and staff are committed to ensuring that your pets have healthy and happy smiles.


Our dental services include teeth cleaning, extractions, and treatment of oral diseases. We understand that dental health is essential for your pet's overall well-being, and we work tirelessly to provide the highest level of care.


Teeth Cleaning

Routine dental cleanings are crucial for preventing dental disease in pets. Our veterinarians use advanced dental tools to clean your pet's teeth thoroughly, removing plaque, tartar, and any other debris that may have accumulated. Our goal is to keep your pet's teeth and gums healthy and to prevent dental diseases from developing.



Sometimes, despite our best efforts, a tooth extraction may be necessary. Our veterinarians are skilled in tooth extractions and will ensure that the procedure is as comfortable and stress-free as possible for your pet. We will also provide post-operative care instructions to ensure a smooth recovery.


Oral Diseases

Our veterinarians are trained to diagnose and treat a wide range of oral diseases, including gingivitis, periodontitis, and oral tumors. We use the latest diagnostic tools to identify oral diseases and provide the most effective treatment options.


Our experienced veterinarians are well-equipped to diagnose and treat various dermatological issues affecting your pet's health and comfort. Common problems include itching, allergies, hair loss, infections, and ectoparasites like Sarcoptic mange, Demodex mange, fleas, and lice.


Itching and allergies can be particularly frustrating for pets and owners alike. Our team is skilled at identifying the root cause of your pet's itching or allergies and developing a personalized treatment plan to address the issue. We offer a range of treatments, from dietary changes to allergy testing and immunotherapy.


Hair loss can signify a more serious underlying issue, such as a hormone imbalance or infection. Our veterinarians will conduct a thorough examination to determine the cause of your pet's hair loss and recommend appropriate treatment.


Infections can be caused by a variety of factors, including bacteria, fungus, and parasites. Our team will diagnose the type of infection and prescribe the appropriate medication or treatment plan to help your pet recover quickly.


Ectoparasites, such as Sarcoptic mange, Demodex mange, fleas, and lice, can cause discomfort and even severe health issues for your pet. We offer a range of treatments to eliminate these pesky parasites and prevent future infestations.


At our veterinary office, we understand that every pet is unique, and we work closely with you to develop a treatment plan tailored to your pet's individual needs. We also prioritize educating pet owners about proper skin and coat care to prevent future dermatological issues.

How to Reach Us

We will provide your pet with exceptional care and compassion on their visit. Contact us today at 513-451-0027.

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